Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 29 - Can't Pull Away

unlike yesterday (despite yesterdays song) I had a really good day today. There is no specific inspiration for this song

Verse 1 - You put a smile on my face
the thought of you puts in in the right place
all you have to do is say the right thing
and I'm left with this aching

Verse 2 - you send shivers down my spine
I'm glad that you're all mine
you are all I want 
you are all I need

Chorus - When I look into your eyes
 I can't pull away
but lying in your arms
I'm reluctant to stay

Verse 3 - I know I sound cliche
even just saying that, I am
there's no point pushing away 
I'll just let it play out

(repeat chorus x2)

I'm kinda disgusted that its so mushy but it's just what came out . . . 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 28 - Bundles of Joy

I love babies I can't wait to have them. This is probably the happiest song I've ever written.

Verse 1 - With their tiny feet
their tiny toes
little bundles of joy
you don't want to let them go

Verse 2 - The way they laugh
oh it makes you smile
and when they cry
you hold them for a long long while

Chorus - Cause when they're young
so innocent so pure
you want to shield them from
the world, so cruel

Verse 3 - Those little tiny hand
oh those little fingers
you want to hold then in yours
they're so gentle

(repeat chorus)

(instrumental bridge)

Verse 4 - Their tiny feet
their tiny hands
they way they laugh
makes you smile
you never, oh you never, you never want to let them go 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 27 - Holes in the Dry Wall

My mom was talking about meeting up with her friend Crystal (or something) and my sister heard pistol while I'm trying to think of a song topic to write that doesn't include the words you, me, I, they, she or he. I'd like to say I'm a pacifist but I don't think I am. . . no I definitely am not.

Verse 1 - The situation's in hand
the trigger is pulled 
smoke rises up & emotions ricochet
off the ceilings & walls, straight threw the window

Chorus - Like a loaded gun
like a bullet sprung 
in the heat of the night 

Verse 2 - Holes in the dry wall
glass shattered on the floor
shocked into amazement & silence
with an odd stillness in the room

(repeat chorus)

Verse 3 - Heavy piece of cold metal in fists 
sweat dripping off creases & ridges 
there's evidence of a(n apparent) crime
and evidence of lying

(repeat chorus)

once I had chosen the topic it became apparent that it wasn't going to be easy to finish. I feel like there should be another line in the chorus BUT I CAN'T WRITE ONE.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 26 - Hollow Body (Dead On My Feet)

I was EXTREMELY lethargic today. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night... don't worry it was well worth it. I had passed out at like 4 something this afternoon it was so weird. So thats what I decided to write about and I threw in some guitar/music references? I've also never started a song with a chorus before.

Chorus - Dead on my feet
my power is low
it's dwindling fast
no way but down is where I can go

Verse 1 - Running on three hours of sleep
I've strummed this chord before
today it seems to taken all I have
just to stay awake

Verse 2 - I struggle to make light of this
I make the effort to stay in tune
trying to remain in key 
I've taken all I can take

(repeat chorus)

Verse 3 - Passed out before the sun goes down
a hollow body with nothing, not a sound
woken up by a poke to the side
if I told you I was awake I lied

(repeat chorus)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 25 - The Ones Before

The first line came to me while at work but I had had John Mayer in mind but the end product doesn't sound John Mayer inspired at all.

Verse 1 - I wish my generation would appreciate
I wish they'd learn to communicate 
I wish we made better decisions

Chorus 1 - But we're not to blame
the ones before took it easy on us
cause the ones before them gave them a hard time
looks like it back fired

Verse 2 - It's rare to see courtesy 
when I do I'm surprised 
loud mouths and they're rude

(repeat chorus 1)

Verse 3 - It seems like they're growing up faster
kids having kids
then they're stuck in a rut and don't know what to do

Chorus 2 - I guess we're the only ones to blame
the ones before tried their best
and the ones before them did all they could
and now there's nothing we can do

the last line i sing this note that i REALLY like. It's not even anything special it was one of those in the moment OH I'M GONNA DO THAT! and worked out well

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 24 - Untitled (until further notice . . . but don't count on it)

I had NO INSPIRATION AT ALL today. So I went to a random song topic generator online and got "write about your least fave teacher" if I had said before that I've hated songs that I wrote THIS ONE takes the cake. there is no structure so I won't bother using Verses Chorus etc etc.

She never taught us anything worth while
She always talked about herself
I don't know how we made it through the year
Listening to her go on

I don't want to hear about your life
Why don't you do your job
They wonder why the kids never made the grade

What's  wrong with the education system
Some aren't willing to teach anymore
All they care about is money

They'll go on strike and let the students suffer
So much for shaping the young minds of today

WOW thats harsh . . . she wasn't that bad. but high school DID ruin french for me.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 23 - Mind Killer

Just for the record I may be agnostic but I don't think religion is a mind killer.
Well basically this verses are talking about how I don't really understand religion and I want to believe in something but can't and I wish I was more open minded but I'm just not. I sorta had a conversation with Matt about it. He doesn't believe in ANYTHING but is still open minded which is kinda inspiring yet I can't get out of that mind set. I believe the two things wrong with this world is religion and politics they cause nothing but pain and trouble . . . yet they are both good at times but I guess I'm a glass half empty kinda girl in this case. The chorus talks about fear . . . make any connection you want.

Verse 1 - When it comes to certain things
I try I try to be open minded
I guess it depends on your point of view
I just see so much wrong with this picture
Despite the good it brings
I'm done with fights, holding right & stupid things
I just want something to believe in
though it's hard
it's hard these days

Chorus - I don't fear failure 
I'll face my fears
let it pass through me
fear is a mind killer
failure is a destroyer 
I won't let get to me

Verse 2 - I guess I don't understand
can't wrap my mind around it 
maybe I'm not willing to comprehend it
and that's not the way I was brought up 
something in me naturally changed
give me something I can believe in 
something real
something concrete 

(repeat chorus twice)

the first line in the chorus is written on the inside of Cory Schneider's glove and they showed that during the hockey game tonight. and "i'll face my fear and let it pass through me. fear is a mind killer" is from Children of Dune.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 22 - Vultures

Today's song is inspired by the 4 rowdy kids (ages 4-12) who run up and down screaming laughing sometimes crying above our heads. ITS SO LOUD SOMETIMES you know what the mother said one time "well I can't tell them not to run they're kids" or something along those lines.

Verse 1 - The pitter patter of little feet
is driving me up the wall
stomping above my head
so much goddamn noise for someone so small

Verse 2 - Goes on till late at night
when you're trying to get to sleep
and when you gotta be up at 5
its really inconvenient 

Chorus - Why should I put up with tiny vultures
who don't seem controllable
it's amazing how we deal with those little monsters

Verse 3 - They wake you at the crack of dawn
there's no getting any rest
once I'm up I'm up for good
so I might as well get up and get dressed 

(repeat Chorus) 

the pitter patter of little feet
is driving me up the wall 

haha they aren't monsters they are quite cute again just exaggerating for the sake of artistry 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 21 - The Great Escape

My sister gave me the idea for the title she also told me about the music video that inspired it. The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. I dunno it just hit a nerve and made me really sad. I started playing these chords in a more upbeat happy way then I watched this video and it just went from happy to sad. The words are kind sad too.

Verse 1 - I'm running so hard, running into the night
I can feel my heart beating out of my chest 
I'm breathing heavy now
heading for the great escape

Verse 2 - I'm racing so fast, racing through fire
not looking back there's only one goal
I won't back down even though I'm burning 
I'm breathing faster now
into that great escape

Verse 3 - I'm stumbling as I cross that bridge 
there's no turning back it crumbles behind me 
I've stopped breathing now
fallen into the great escape
the great escape

I imagine it to be slow sorta repetitive in melody but building up to some awesome instrumental or something. Like some epic Hey Rosetta song . . . random note I'm really proud at how I wrote "day 21 april 22nd" in the upper right corner.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 20 - Sea of Green & Blue

So inspiration for this was supporting my vancouver canucks I started it this afternoon praising them and how I know they were gonna put Chicago in their place and kick their sorry asses back to where they came. . . and did they you ask? NO they lost 5-0. Instead I wrote a song (a very short one) about how they let me down.

Verse 1 - You let me down once again
struggling in a sea of green and blue
you know what you gotta go
so get your act together 

Verse 2 - You're skating on thin ice
you're cutting it really close
I'm done with all your highs and lows
I hope you have a plan

Verse 3 - All I ask is shoot those hawks from the sky
watch em fall watch em crash and burn
but there's a few lessons you need to learn

Verse 4 - How could you do this to me
drown me in a sea of blue and green
gotta get out of that bad routine
and get your act together

meh. its more of a poem there is no chorus or middle 8 just a bunch of verses and I'm not done with their highs and lows I love the canucks no matter what! by the way look how illegible my writing is!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 19 - You Think I'm Bipolar

Working at a bakery is believe it or not stressful and sometimes just sometimes i fly off the handle. So one of the bakers at work calls me bipolar among other not so nice things but it's all in good fun

Verse 1 - Sometimes I'm up sometimes I'm down 
Sometimes I can't pick myself off the ground
I have days where I'm nothing but carefree
Other days I'm anything but

Verse 2 - I'm absentminded I don't pay attention
I'm very attentive I'll give you affection 
I'm all yours 
Just leave me alone

Chorus - So you think I'm bipolar
maybe this is true 
I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm sane, I'm mad
at times I'm a bit askew 

Verse 3 - I'll sometimes attack when you least expect 
I don't remember telling you I was perfect
sometimes I'm up sometimes I'm down 

(repeat chorus)

So you think I'm bipolar
maybe this is true

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 18 - Serene

I was in yoga today and I was jut lying there before class started and the first line just came to mind and I just went with it.

Verse 1 - The architectural design of this room
keeps me calm & serene 
I lie on the floor staring at the ceiling 
and it's imperfections 
the white walls so pure, so tranquil 

Chorus - Breathing in long and slow
breathing out a deep release 
the world outside keeps moving on
but I'm in the zone focused and strong

Verse 2 - Poised and balanced 
I got it under control 
I'm as centered as I can be
I bend, I fold
Hands up above my head 
I do as I'm told

(repeat chorus)

This place keeps me calm and serene
I'm as centered as I'll ever be

the last verse seems very forced or something i do not like it but I  dunno how to fix it!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 17 - Tiny Seeds

Verse 1 - Recent events unfold 
now I know where I stand
taking it slowly and
I don't mind

Verse 2 - It's not insurmountable 
I won't know where this leads
planting these tiny seeds
in the back of my mind

Chorus - Like a song you can't get out of your head
the last thought before you go to bed
that melody you just can't write 
and those little things that shed light 

Verse 4 - I watch it play out
I think things through all the time
and I know that I'm
one to torment myself 

(repeat chorus)

Recent event unfold 
now I know where we stand
Taking it slow 

I REALLY wanted to use the word insurmountable hahaha

Day 16 - Catfish

OK its not that I didn't write a song yesterday its just I never got home to post it. I went downtown for ballet at 11am sat at Canada Place in the gorgeous sun trying to write (after i got my new Blackberry) and then went to a pub for the hockey game at 5 and stayed out and didnt get home till 1am and I was pretty intoxicated. I was even when writing the second half of this you can clearly see it. I dunno if it makes any sense either but whatever it is what it is.
It was inspired by this really weird movie called Catfish and this amazing line in the movie 
"They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They'd keep them in vats in the ship. By the time the codfish reached China, the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guy came up with the idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them and the catfish will keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes. They keep you guessing, they keep you thinking, they keep you fresh. And I thank god for the catfish because we would be droll, boring and dull if we didn't have somebody nipping at our fin." 

Verse 1 - they keep you guessing 
keep you on your toes
teach you a lesson
put you in your place and tell you what goes

chorus - Without them life would be so dull
those people we call catfish
we need them nipping at our fins

Verse 2 - I need excitement in my life
someone to mix it up a bit 
I'm done with pain that cuts like a knife
I need some of that dirt and grit

(repeat chorus)

Verse 3 - You keep me guessing
you keep me on my toes
life without you would be dull

Wow! that is REALLY bad!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 15 - These Bricks

The inspiration for this song was the annoyance and frustration I get from my job and how I won't leave because I love most of the people I work with but its just toooo stressful. here ya go

Verse 1 - Cracks in my foundation leave me helpless & unstable 
for reasons being I lack the courage & strength you bear
my protective layer is slowly peeling
patience wearing thin, hanging by a thread

Chorus - I know I should leave
there's something keeping me
stuck for too long and slowly crumbling 
these bricks weigh me down 
so I can't move

Verse 2 - Closing doors hold me back they lock me out
broken glass under my feet pierce the skin
frustration will always get the better of me
emotions spiraling out of control burning deep within 

(repeat chorus)

Bridge - Brick by brick is pulling me further down
down down into the  ground
I'm the only one at fault I'm the only one

(repeat chorus)

These bricks keep me down 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 14 - Oh Mr. Sun

Hmm I wonder oh I wonder what this is about. I actually had Hey Ocean's Alleyways stuck in my head at the time but the melody veered away from that song then sorta started to sound like another song I had written . . . so I dunno where there melody with this one is gonna go.
The first line came to me while I was walking home (no really?? yea really. SHOCKING!)

Verse 1 - I walked home from work today
well that's a lie I took the bus
it was a gorgeous day all day 
but I was stuck inside 

as soon as I finish the sun goes away 
who am I kidding it won't come back 

Chorus - Stop playing tricks on me 
show me what I wanna see
Oh Mr. Sun
I wanna be wanna be wanna be
where you are 

Verse 2 - Finally you show your face here
even if for a little while
at least I know you still exist dear
and are willing to stop by our part of town

I'd wish you'd let me know you were coming 
I'd wish you had gave me some warning 

(repeat chorus)

Verse 3 - Though you didn't stick around 
the sky's clear with a light shade of blue
oh Mr. Sun go and hide
the clouds and I don't really need you

LAME attempt at a song. . . I will admit I rushed it a bit maybe even forced it a little. but I'm off to yoga in an hour and then watching the hockey game GO CANUCKS GO!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 13 - Thunder & Rain

Inspiration for today's song is the INSANE thunder storm we had last night. I actually felt like a little kid huddled up in my bed (despite the bravery I portray in this song) no real structure for this song.
I recorded it but I had propped my notebook on my computer so it got muffled and I was annoyed and then I thought it sounded kinda cool . . .

Verse 1 - Thunder and rain
is not quite the same 
when you're inside
thunder and lightning
is sometimes frightening 
in the mind of a child

Middle 8 - but I embrace the sound
and I let it surround me

Verse 2 - Standing still
letting it soak me in its glory 
people walk by
wondering what's my story

Middle 8 - But  I don't care
they can all stare
I'm not really there 
I'm just a figment of your imagination 

Verse 3 - Thunder wakes me from my sleep
for a second I don't recall a thing
thunder and rain
is not quite the same 
when you're inside 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 12 - Hospitals

So last night I had chest pains that lasted for 3 hours so I decided to check myself into the hospital to get checked 
a couple of souvenirs on either side . . . 

Verse 1 - There's a fire in my soul
a burning that won't let go 
an intolerable pain
nauseous and weak 
so many tests all i want to do is sleep

Chorus 1 - Waiting . . . 
all I can do is wait in
this cold room
anxiously waiting for answers 

Verse 2 - I hate hospitals
who would really like them
i just want to go home
i've been here for the past 4 hours

(repeat chorus 1)

Chorus 2 - Let me go 
is this really necessary 
I feel a whole lot better

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 11 - I Don't Want To Be A Zombie

I asked people to give me suggestions of topics/ideas for a song and the best one I got was from my friend Ben "possible zombie apocalypse" 

Verse 1 - It's coming the end of humanity 
zombies will take over and eat you and me 
I'm terrified so scared
run for your life, run for your life, run . . .

Verse 2 - You better be prepared for what coming oh our way
there's nothing I can really do or say 
you gotta be sharp, you gotta be quick, you gotta be sensible
and run for your life, run for your life, run for your life

Or they'll catch you 
and then that's it

Verse 3 - You'll be one of them oh
and you don't want that no 
I know I don't 
I don't want to be a zombie
even though they're kinda cool 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 10 - Pavement

There is no inspiration for this song. Well I was walking home and I was watching the way my feet moved . . .

Verse 1 - Walking the pavement
watching my feet
with nowhere to go
calming myself down
I talk myself out 
of letting you know

Chorus 1 - Why can't I feel?
what does this mean?
why can't I let you go?

Verse 2 - Chasing this one thing
it leads to a dead end
and I'm back where I started
the world moves faster as I move slowly
I've never known what I wanted

(repeat Chorus 1)

Verse 3 - You've taken my hand now
and shown me the light
despite this messed up world
and now you know everything
you need to know about me 

Chorus 2 - What do I feel?
what does this mean?
I won't let you go . . .

I won't let you go.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 9 - Migraine To Dream

plain and simple. I had a really bad headache today. It started off as a headache song then I couldn't figure out more words to describe it so it became a dream . . . it's more of a poem and I HONESTLY didn't put THAT much effort into it cause all I want to do is "collapse into a deep sleep" which will happen soon enough.

Verse 1 - There's a definite pounding in my head
the kind that makes it hard to concentrate 
when every sound thunders 
and every light vibrant 

Verse 2 - I have to pay attention to words said 
otherwise it's hard to communicate 
I want to collapse into a deep sleep
and not move till sunrise 

Verse 3 - I'm slowly drifting to another place
where everything is calm
no sea too far no mountain too steep
and there's no need for compromize

Verse 4 - Keeping a slow and gentle pace
remembering where I came from
forgetting why I'm here
I awake and it becomes clear

I realize now that I have spelt migraine wrong in my notebook . . . but it's all good . . . unless my friend Julz is reading this (grammar/spelling nazi)

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Day 8 - Stagnant Affair

I've always wanted to use the word stagnant in a song since Charlie Simpson (formally of Busted now frontman for Fightstar) sang the line "your stagnant beauty makes me glare" that was YEARS ago
Anywho the inspiration for this song was a not so recent breakup but cause it was exactly 3 months ago I thought I'd take a stab at it. It has a more up beat tempo then the rest of my songs so far.

Verse 1 - Please have a seat there's something I gotta tell you 
you may not like what I have to say 
those three months my time spent was wasted
and I got nothing to show for it

Verse 2 - You took the time to make me feel special 
but that was all a charade 
the last few weeks I spent just wondering 
when this way going to end 

chorus - My only regret was I didn't do it first 
a stagnant affair with no conversation 

Verse 3 - If I sound upset then I'm explaining this wrong
there are no hard feelings at all 
I've long moved on and I'm in a good place
I think it's time you did the same

(repeat chorus)

It's been three months to the day 
I'm still alright I'm still ok

I realized now that this makes the other party not so great and sound like it was a messy break up. and it wasn't. I may be exaggerating for the sake of artistry 

Friday, April 08, 2011

Day 7 - Half Past Four

I didn't want to write a song that had the words "you" "I" "me" "they" etc. . . basically no people or feelings that could translate it to be a love song, or a break up song . . . you know what I mean. Do you? ya you do. I was just sitting at my dining table looking out my window and it was half past four . . .  this actually took a couple hours to write . . .

Verse 1 - It's half past four the sun's out 
the sky's clear blue and the wind blows
its friday the house is still 
and the day is open for anything

mini chorus 1 - The days are longer now 
the days are slightly warmer

Verse 2 - Nothing moves within these four walls
nothing breathes
sunlight seeps through the curtains
casting shadows on the floor

mini chorus 2 - The days are brighter now 
the night comes creeping slowly 

Middle 8 - The night differs from the day 
the night takes it all away 
the night turns blue skies grey 

oh . . . oh . . . oh . . . oh . . .

there is a distinct difference in melody between the middle 8 and the rest of the song sorta sounds like its going off in a different direction. It's all intentional.
This was also the first song I record fully and liked. . . then I went back and recorded a few of the other days. 

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Day 6 - Blank Page

I was sitting in class and I had Adele's "Someone Like You" (which I am listening to AS we spe- well not speak . . . as I write this) and I was just doodling in my notebook and some words came to mind.
Verse 1 - Put my pen to paper and I 
draw a line cause I'm wasting time
I sit alone in a crowded room 
listening to fluorescent lights

Verse 2 - Words don't come out right 
the right words won't even surface
I'm staring at a blank page 
that's mockingly staring back at me

Chorus - I block them out so I can let you in
lost for words tell me how long has it been 
since I've been here 

Verse 3 - I don't know what I came here to do
or what my intentions are 
all I know is that you brought me here
now I can't leave and I wouldn't try 

(repeat chorus twice) . . .

and that's all folks.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Day 5 - Hand In Mine

So once again I couldn't really think of anything to write so I picked up a book 20th Century Ghost by Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) it's a book of short stories. The story I chose was Pop Art I'm pretty sure I cried while reading that one. I choose the book, I picked the story but the line was random and it was "my eyes blurred and tears dripped off my face . . . "

Verse 1 - My eyes blurred and tears dripped off my face
               I didn't make it just in time
               I know I'm not at fault
               but I feel responsible

Verse 2 - Tear me down
               you're wearing me thin
               I'm constantly on the edge of
               losing you over again

Put your hand in mine
I'll lead you through the darkness

Verse 3 - Pick yourself back up I'll be right beside you
               I won't let you fall
               keep in mind
               I'm right behind you

Put your hand in mine
I'll lead you through the darkness

this is probably my 2nd least fave song so far in this challenge. but tomorrow is another day . . .

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Day 4 - Red Shoes On

The scribbled out part was my first idea but i realized how STUPID it was. Inspiration for that was a conversation some classmates were having about the "end of the world" and that subject freaks the crap outta me so i started writing about how terrifying that topic is BUT class started and we watched music videos in class and the first video was Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues. Needless to say i scraped the first idea and wanted to write a bluesy song . . . 
verse 1 - I've got my red shoes on 
and my time well spent
I've got my red shoes on
got no time to repent

mini chorus - well I'm sitting here on the bus
wearing these shoes
and I'm humming these blues

verse 2 - I've got my head in a daze
and a stirring in my feet 
my thoughts are in a maze
and the sky's pretty bleak (or "I've got this pretty cool beat")

mini chorus 2 - well I'm watching the rain drops on my window
I don't have far to go 

verse 3 - I've got my red shoes on 
and the rest of my day
I've got to finish this song
before the day fades away

mini chorus 3 - I'm riding this train
I'm going insane 
I've got nothing to lose

I've got my red shoes on (x5 to fade)

There IS no music all I hear accompanying it is a stomp-clap beat. . . it sounds really good in my head. 
I hear a sort of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals "Nothing But Water" but not . . . . 

Monday, April 04, 2011

Day 3 - Cold & Numb

There IS no title for this one as I had a hard time with this one today and finally . . . well not exactly gave up but was pretty tempted. The words are SORTA depressing but the tune I came up with is completely the opposite and that's what I was going for. Inspiration, my sister calls me a dork, was walking to work in the rain and the poor circulation in my fingers . . . that's what it says. ha.

Verse 1 - Fingers cold and numb
these rainy days are not uncommon ones
grey and windy still
so predictable but I love (it or you) still
no sensation in my toes
but I'm not one of those
those who waver on a thin line

Chorus - Rain . . . don't give up on me 
I wont give up on you 
Rain . . .  you drenched me in your love 
you keeping my company is more than enough

verse 2 - Series of unfortunate events
have brought me back to you 
things I can't explain
things I can't undo
where does one go 
to get away form everything they know   ( i dunno about that line)

(repeat chorus)

instrument bridge



can you tell I'm not happy with this one?

edit: I'm much more happy with this now that I've played it out and recorded it!

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Day 2 - Tuning the Darkness

The title doesn't make sense unless you've seen Dark City, which I watched last night and therefore it was the subject of inspiration for today. So I came up with the first two lines then met up with Matt and sat there for about 3 hours coming up with some stuff then I finished off the rest when I got home (with the help of some random lines Matt had written down for me) but it was easier to do it to music. . .
Verse 1 - I can't remember my past 
I don't know why I am here
there's a life in my hands
and men at the door dressed in black
I have to get out before they get it
chasing me through a city that sleeps

Chorus - Tuning the darkness, changing this city
why don't they notice why do they change
doctor says that I'll be alright
a prick of the needle will return you to the night

Verse 2 - When the city awakens
the men in black disappear
I've been awake for 3 days
and still haven't seen the sun
in an ever changing city 
where the night is never the same

(repeat chorus)

I killed somebody they tell me
I don't believe this is true

kinda dark but so was the movie :P awesome none the less 

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Day 1 - Cutlery Park

So the subject and idea of this song was discussed yesterday while on the bus with my sister and my friend Colin it was soo random that I just HAD to write about it.

I woke up this morning at 5am (for work) and this is what came out . . . . I know i know you can't even read it, right. check the bottom out I tried to write while walking to work . . . unsuccessfully.

While at work ideas came to me so i wrote it down and when I came home after work I just got into this really good flow and just kept writing I had changed it a bit from the first draft . . .

I realize you MIGHT not be able to read it here either but I like to show what my notebook looks like and how messy I can be :)

here are the lyrics

verse 1- I walk in the dark through cutlery park
with forks, sharp knives, and spoons
the moon reflects off silver and steel
there's voices in the wind

verse 2- This place is not what you would expect
this place is something else
the buzzing of the street lights
send shivers to my spine

chorus 1- I think that I'm alone here
my breath gets shallow still
my heart can't take the rest of this world
there's nothing to reveal

verse 3- I'm searching for a light
I look for what is right
I know that I was wrong
in thinking I was strong 

chorus 2 - I thought I was alone here
my breath stays shallow still 
my heart beat races faster now 
I can't move

verse 4- I walk in the dark through cutlery park 
waiting for morning to come
the moon reflects off silver and steel 
this nightmare's almost done

The best way I can describe it is a Tim Burton-esque. The images I see are a cemetery like scene but exaggerated like in The Nightmare before Christmas. I also had Laura Marling's Night Terror in mind.
I think day 1 went well. Let's see what day 2 brings.