ITS A DOUBLE FEATURE. I was able to write two songs in less than 2 hours . . . whoa.
First song is Nothing To Offer inspired by the fact that WHEN someone I care about is hurting I was told that I look at them like they're broken it's only cause I'm empathic towards them.
Verse 1 - I've got nothing to offer
all I've got are these hands
give me something to do
I feel useless to you
Chorus - I'm not one to say let it out, let it out
Don't hold it inside, talk to me, let it out
Verse 2 - All I can do is listen to you
I've been told that's one thing I can do
you were not meant to take on this burden
give it to me and I'll bare it
(repeat chorus)
Verse 3 - I've got nothing to offer
all I got are these hands
all I can do is listen to you
that is one thing I can surely do
That is one thing I can do for you
2ND song! It's called The station. My friend Fran had posted a picture of a train station in Berlin (WHICH I LOVE) I also love those european train stations so old and antique like I just love it. Anyway the picture said "born to die in Berlin" so I thought hmmm something sad has to happen at this station. This is what came out.
Verse 1 - If you get on that train we're done
if you go away we're through
why would you do this to me
so careless and thoughtlessly
Chorus - Standing at the station
watching you with your bags
don't get on that train
I need you back
Verse 2 - I don't want to stand alone here
crying my eyes out, for what?
people stare at me on the platform
I'm not strong enough to weather this storm
(repeat chorus)
If you get on that train we're over
if only I said it
maybe you would've stayed.