Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 17 - Tiny Seeds

Verse 1 - Recent events unfold 
now I know where I stand
taking it slowly and
I don't mind

Verse 2 - It's not insurmountable 
I won't know where this leads
planting these tiny seeds
in the back of my mind

Chorus - Like a song you can't get out of your head
the last thought before you go to bed
that melody you just can't write 
and those little things that shed light 

Verse 4 - I watch it play out
I think things through all the time
and I know that I'm
one to torment myself 

(repeat chorus)

Recent event unfold 
now I know where we stand
Taking it slow 

I REALLY wanted to use the word insurmountable hahaha

Day 16 - Catfish

OK its not that I didn't write a song yesterday its just I never got home to post it. I went downtown for ballet at 11am sat at Canada Place in the gorgeous sun trying to write (after i got my new Blackberry) and then went to a pub for the hockey game at 5 and stayed out and didnt get home till 1am and I was pretty intoxicated. I was even when writing the second half of this you can clearly see it. I dunno if it makes any sense either but whatever it is what it is.
It was inspired by this really weird movie called Catfish and this amazing line in the movie 
"They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They'd keep them in vats in the ship. By the time the codfish reached China, the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guy came up with the idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them and the catfish will keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes. They keep you guessing, they keep you thinking, they keep you fresh. And I thank god for the catfish because we would be droll, boring and dull if we didn't have somebody nipping at our fin." 

Verse 1 - they keep you guessing 
keep you on your toes
teach you a lesson
put you in your place and tell you what goes

chorus - Without them life would be so dull
those people we call catfish
we need them nipping at our fins

Verse 2 - I need excitement in my life
someone to mix it up a bit 
I'm done with pain that cuts like a knife
I need some of that dirt and grit

(repeat chorus)

Verse 3 - You keep me guessing
you keep me on my toes
life without you would be dull

Wow! that is REALLY bad!