Friday, May 06, 2011

Day 35 - Heavy Eyes, Sore Throat

Today was a scary day. I already wasn't feeling well and on top of that when I tried to take something FOR my sickness I swallowed a pill and it wouldn't go down and of course I panic it was the scariest thing that ever happened to me my boss had to perform the heimlich maneuver! My throat is killing me and I sound like a frog I tried singing . . . no. All I can do is rest.

Verse 1 - Eyes are heavy but I can't sleep 
throat is sore & I can barely speak
skull is pounding like a ton of bricks on my head
I can't function on these weak legs
unsteady are these quivering hands
just give me an extra day
an extra day of rest

Chorus - Deal with the pain
cause I'm afraid to take anything
push through
it'll go away soon
but it doesn't feel that way 

Verse 2 - My whole body is just aching
I'm out of it but what else is new
my eye lids are heavy think I'll sleep
throat is still sore so I won't speak
my head is killing me . . . softly 
oh . . . softly 

(repeat chorus)

I wasn't really all in with this song . . . still just taking it easy this was worst than when I went to the hospital. I'd take that over  again in a heartbeat